Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Governing Body

    Each person will be the main leader of the people whom they brought. Each group of people will take a vote on the topic being discussed.  The majority which wins will be the vote which the leader will bring to a meeting with the other three leaders.  In the meeting, the four leaders will use the vote which the people took to decide whether or not to do the topic being discussed. If the meeting ends in a 50/50 tie then the people as a whole will vote on whether or not to do the topic.  This is a democracy.   

Example:  Should Saturday be a day which people work.

Billy’s group of people voted yes, at the meeting Billy votes yes.

Bobby’s group of people voted yes, at the meeting Bobby votes yes.

Sam’s group of people votes no, at the meeting Sam votes no.

Kristin’s group of people votes no, at the meeting Kristin votes no.

The meeting ends in a tie; throughout the community everyone casts a vote.

68% of the people votes no. 32% of the people say yes. Therefore, based on a community vote Saturday should not be a day where people work.

1 comment:

  1. great examples! this sounds like a great place to be great work.
