Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Declaration of Independance

Declaration of Independence of Tropicalopia

There are way too many things wrong with the current society outside of Tropicalopia. That is why we decided to leave and form a more perfect community outside of the modern society. 
In the current society, there are many wrongdoings and injustices. Violations include discrimination, crime, war, sadness, financial worries, unfair laws, greed, poverty, jealousy, and violence. The utopian society of Tropicalopia is against all of these violations because they lead to unhappiness and the harm of others. We can no longer tolerate the way the current modern society is being run, so we took matters into our own hands; hence the community of Tropicalopia. 
We have lost trust with the society which we were formerly a part of for numerous reasons. The current society of today doesn’t handle these situations properly. However, we do. We make sure every person involved is satisfied once it is resolved.

The need for a more perfect society is to release the worries of humans, to relax, and to promote the enjoyment of life on the beautiful island of Bora Bora. However work will still need to get done but the way that Tropicalopia will do it is less tedious and repetitive.


~ Kristin Krauss
~ Samantha Jokela
~ William Gavin
~ Robert Johnson

1 comment:

  1. I like the how your declaration of independence is very formal and official sounding.
