Wednesday, October 17, 2012

List of Rules

1)      Equal Work Distribution. With equal work requirements comes equal responsibility. Each member of the island will be expected to contribute to the society as much as anyone else. With this rule in place the value of equality will be emphasized.

2)      No violence, unless in self-defense. In our utopian society, our members will not have to live with the fear of another being.  With violence eliminated, a more perfect and safe life will be achieved.

3)      Share all resources equally amongst the members of the utopia, except for items gained or created through personal means. All of the utopia’s resources will be shared equally, ensuring that people will not feel jealousy or that they will find themselves at an unfair advantage over someone else.

4)      Everyone is issued a housing unit of equal size and spaciousness, but is able to expand it with their own resources or money.  With this rule in place, no one will be at an advantage and everyone will be treated equally when it comes to shelter. Only through personal means and hard work, will someone be able to find themselves with a larger, well deserved place of establishment.

5)      No work will be had on Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday. This rule is in place to allow the beautiful citizens of Tropicalopia to be issued a break from their long, hard and busy working schedule. This will give the people the weekends off, as well as a break in the middle of the week.

6)      Schooling is required up to a designated level in each subject, but does not have to be pursued any further if the student feels as though it is not necessary. With this rule in place, each member of the Utopia will have necessary schooling required for each job, and will only find themselves at an advantage if they put in the extra work for it. Those who pursue additional schooling will be put in a position that requires certain knowledge, such as a doctor.

7)      Everyone must receive training for each basic job. Additional training will be given to those who choose to pursue careers in which it is necessary. The job schedule will cycle each week and every member of Tropicalopia will be required to know how to do each basic job.

8)      Each individual, based on their height, weight and age is distributed an equal amount of food. If each citizen’s height, weight and age are considered in the amount of food that they are distributed each day is equal. Not only will this keep our citizens healthy and happy but it will also eliminate envy amongst the citizens.

9)      Free, health care will be given to all citizens if it is found to be necessary. If anyone is need of medical attention or needs an appointment of any kind with a medical professional, it will not be charged, that is of course as long as it is found to be a necessary visit.

10)   Leaving the island is strictly prohibited, unless approved otherwise by the governing body that is in place. Citizens of Tropicalopia will NEVER be allowed to leave the utopian society and furthermore, the island unless there is an issue of health or family issues which can only be tended to on the mainland.


  1. Sounds like a nice list i like the know work on sunday saterday and wedsday

  2. This is a good, well thought out list of rules and I i didn"t know what one meant you explained it very thoroughly. A really good blog and the fish thing is very addicting(:
