Wednesday, October 17, 2012


    The name of our Utopian Society is Tropicalopia. We have chosen this name for our utopia because of its location. Tropicalopia is located on the tropical island of Bora Bora.

Declaration of Independance

Declaration of Independence of Tropicalopia

There are way too many things wrong with the current society outside of Tropicalopia. That is why we decided to leave and form a more perfect community outside of the modern society. 
In the current society, there are many wrongdoings and injustices. Violations include discrimination, crime, war, sadness, financial worries, unfair laws, greed, poverty, jealousy, and violence. The utopian society of Tropicalopia is against all of these violations because they lead to unhappiness and the harm of others. We can no longer tolerate the way the current modern society is being run, so we took matters into our own hands; hence the community of Tropicalopia. 
We have lost trust with the society which we were formerly a part of for numerous reasons. The current society of today doesn’t handle these situations properly. However, we do. We make sure every person involved is satisfied once it is resolved.

The need for a more perfect society is to release the worries of humans, to relax, and to promote the enjoyment of life on the beautiful island of Bora Bora. However work will still need to get done but the way that Tropicalopia will do it is less tedious and repetitive.


~ Kristin Krauss
~ Samantha Jokela
~ William Gavin
~ Robert Johnson

Motto and Seal

    The motto of our Utopian society, Tropicalopia, is Perfection, Perfected. We chose this as our motto because utopian societies are supposed to reflect perfection, separated from the problems of the real world. The seal that we have created to use as a representation of our society is of a circle split into quarters. In each fourth there is a set of initials, one for each of the respected founders, representing the importance of the founders yet the equality among them and found within the society.


The Kiwi Bird is the honorary animal of Tropicalopia.  It is one of the few types of flightless birds which means it stays close to where it is born. Just like the Tropicalopian people, it is one of the few animals that stay loyal to their mate, family, and friends. The kiwi represents the people of Tropicalopia, and is the reason for our choosing it as the utopian animal.  

List of Rules

1)      Equal Work Distribution. With equal work requirements comes equal responsibility. Each member of the island will be expected to contribute to the society as much as anyone else. With this rule in place the value of equality will be emphasized.

2)      No violence, unless in self-defense. In our utopian society, our members will not have to live with the fear of another being.  With violence eliminated, a more perfect and safe life will be achieved.

3)      Share all resources equally amongst the members of the utopia, except for items gained or created through personal means. All of the utopia’s resources will be shared equally, ensuring that people will not feel jealousy or that they will find themselves at an unfair advantage over someone else.

4)      Everyone is issued a housing unit of equal size and spaciousness, but is able to expand it with their own resources or money.  With this rule in place, no one will be at an advantage and everyone will be treated equally when it comes to shelter. Only through personal means and hard work, will someone be able to find themselves with a larger, well deserved place of establishment.

5)      No work will be had on Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday. This rule is in place to allow the beautiful citizens of Tropicalopia to be issued a break from their long, hard and busy working schedule. This will give the people the weekends off, as well as a break in the middle of the week.

6)      Schooling is required up to a designated level in each subject, but does not have to be pursued any further if the student feels as though it is not necessary. With this rule in place, each member of the Utopia will have necessary schooling required for each job, and will only find themselves at an advantage if they put in the extra work for it. Those who pursue additional schooling will be put in a position that requires certain knowledge, such as a doctor.

7)      Everyone must receive training for each basic job. Additional training will be given to those who choose to pursue careers in which it is necessary. The job schedule will cycle each week and every member of Tropicalopia will be required to know how to do each basic job.

8)      Each individual, based on their height, weight and age is distributed an equal amount of food. If each citizen’s height, weight and age are considered in the amount of food that they are distributed each day is equal. Not only will this keep our citizens healthy and happy but it will also eliminate envy amongst the citizens.

9)      Free, health care will be given to all citizens if it is found to be necessary. If anyone is need of medical attention or needs an appointment of any kind with a medical professional, it will not be charged, that is of course as long as it is found to be a necessary visit.

10)   Leaving the island is strictly prohibited, unless approved otherwise by the governing body that is in place. Citizens of Tropicalopia will NEVER be allowed to leave the utopian society and furthermore, the island unless there is an issue of health or family issues which can only be tended to on the mainland.

Governing Body

    Each person will be the main leader of the people whom they brought. Each group of people will take a vote on the topic being discussed.  The majority which wins will be the vote which the leader will bring to a meeting with the other three leaders.  In the meeting, the four leaders will use the vote which the people took to decide whether or not to do the topic being discussed. If the meeting ends in a 50/50 tie then the people as a whole will vote on whether or not to do the topic.  This is a democracy.   

Example:  Should Saturday be a day which people work.

Billy’s group of people voted yes, at the meeting Billy votes yes.

Bobby’s group of people voted yes, at the meeting Bobby votes yes.

Sam’s group of people votes no, at the meeting Sam votes no.

Kristin’s group of people votes no, at the meeting Kristin votes no.

The meeting ends in a tie; throughout the community everyone casts a vote.

68% of the people votes no. 32% of the people say yes. Therefore, based on a community vote Saturday should not be a day where people work.


42 Wallaby Way
Bora Bora
October 17th, 2012


Dear Respected Friend,

I am pleased to invite you to join me along with others in forming a Utopian society on an isolated portion of the beautiful island of Bora Bora. Tropicalopia, as we call it, will be the definition of perfection. With no need to fear for hunger or starvation, violence or safety issues, you will be in the safest environment imaginable. The founders and I can ensure you happiness and healthiness. We have set up an entire society which can abide to you very need as long as you are able to contribute in ways necessary. This is your opportunity to escape the misfortunes and injustices of your everyday lives. This is a once in a life time occasion, and we strongly suggest that you join us.

Please consider,
    Kristin Krauss
   Samantha Jokela
   Robert Johnson
   William Gavin

Journal Entries


My day started at 7 a.m., when the community wakes up. The food for breakfast arrived, which we had filled out the previous night. My family and I ate breakfast, and began to prepare for the day. My brother and I walked to the school building, which was in the center of the community. Once we had arrived my brother went to play with the younger children, while I went to the supply closet, and gathered the supplies which I would need for the day. Once the teachers, had announced it was time to start, I made my way to my first class, mathematics. After practicing our math skills, we proceeded to reading and grammar. We reviewed important grammar practices, since at the age of 15; we would only go to school to learn job training. After reading and grammar, it was time for lunch break, where we ate the meals that we had selected the night before. The rest of the day was dedicated to job training; I had the food preparation job, where we practiced serving the proper amount of food for each person, making sure we did not give more than allotted for each person. Once school had ended I walked back to our family hut.  My parents were both sitting, and relaxing before they started to do house work and community work. I joined them, and at 4 we started to do the house work that needed to be done. Once it reached 4:30 we began our community work. We were in charge of maintaining the garden in the small park outside the library. At 5, we went home and I started my homework. My parents began the dinner preparation, and at 6 we sat down to eat the meals, and choose the meals for the next day. At 8-10 I spent the time as I wanted. And at 11 I went to bed.


On Saturdays, it is a day with no work, or school. At 9 a.m. the community wakes up. The food for breakfast arrives, and I eat it, feeling filled once it was done. I decided to go to the community theater, to watch a movie with my friends. The movies are free, and are quite popular throughout. The choice today was one of my favorites, and I had a fun time laughing, and relaxing. Once the movie was finished, I went to the community beach and went for a quick swim.  At 4, it was time for house work, and community work. I cleaned up around my room, and then I went to do community work. I took care of my usual garden plot outside the library. At 5, the community concert began. The people who were singing were really good, and everyone enjoyed themselves.  Once 6 rolled around, I returned home to eat dinner.  I relaxed in my home until I fell asleep. 

Friday (Perspective of a worker)

At 7 a.m. I woke up, and ate breakfast. I made my way to work, which this week was food production. Once, I arrived I put on my sanitary clothing. Then I began to assemble each person’s specific food choice. Once, I had finished my first meal, I put it on the conveyer belt that would lead it to food distribution.  A little before 12, I assembled my own lunch, and at 12 I ate my lunch. After lunch, I cleaned up my assembly area, and put back my sanitary clothing. At 2, I left work and headed home. Once, I arrived home I took a break before it was time for house and community work. Since lived by myself, I did not have much work to do when it was time for house work. Then I started to do community work. I was in charge of cleaning the community beach. I joined the few other people who had the same task as me, and we busied ourselves wiping down the benches, and tables. At 5, I began to assemble my dinner from the food that had been delivered to me, by food distribution. At 6, I ate my meal in peace. From 7-10 I relaxed by watching a program on the television, and reading a book. At 11, I went to bed after a long day.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Daily Itinerary

Daily Itinerary

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays

· 12:00AM –Sleep
· 1:00AM -Sleep
· 2:00AM -Sleep
· 3:00AM -Sleep
· 4:00AM -Sleep
· 5:00AM -Sleep
· 6:00AM -Sleep
· 7:00AM –Wake Up & Breakfast
· 8:00AM –School/Work Begins
· 9:00AM –School/Work
· 10:00AM –School/Work
· 11:00AM –School/Work
· 12:00PM –Lunch Break
· 1:00PM –School/Work
· 2:00PM –Work Ends
· 3:00PM –School Ends (Break for Workers)
· 4:00PM –House Work & Community Work
· 5:00PM –Homework of Dinner Preparation
· 6:00 PM– Dinner
· 7:00PM – Free Time
· 8:00PM – Free Time
· 9:00PM – Free Time
· 10:00PM – Free Time
· 11:00PM – Sleep
Wednesdays, Saturdays, & Sundays
· 12:00AM –Sleep
· 1:00AM -Sleep
· 2:00AM -Sleep
· 3:00AM -Sleep
· 4:00AM -Sleep
· 5:00AM -Sleep
· 6:00AM -Sleep
· 7:00AM –Sleep
· 8:00AM –Sleep
· 9:00AM –Wake Up & Breakfast
· 10:00AM –Free Time
· 11:00AM –Free Time
· 12:00PM –Lunch Break
· 1:00PM –Free Time
· 2:00PM –Free Time
· 3:00PM –Free Time
· 4:00PM –House Work & Community Work
· 5:00PM –Entertainment
· 6:00PM –Dinner
· 7:00PM –Free Time
· 8:00PM –Free Time
· 9:00PM –Free Time
· 10:00PM –Free Time
· 11:00PM -Sleep
